nástenka užívateľa mstasul

mstasul -> krajcir:

Sorry I only speak English. We are related through Krajcir and Alena. All my relatives are from Velke Levare. I have a tree on Facestree that you can see. I am looking for the Ambra family (my grandmother's family) also from Velke Levare and Male Levare. Any help I appreciate it. Sincerely, Marie Stasul in USA

27.10.2018 •
mstasul -> mikolo53:

Hi, Mikolo53, my husband is related to your family tree.Juraj Hlozka (1799-1880) is his 3rd grandfather. May we discuss. A lot of the surnames in your tree match to ours. Waiting to hear from you. I am in the USA. Where are you located? And have you done a DNA test?

03.03.2018 •

I'm sorry, but I can not speak English. Sincerely mikolo53

04.03.2018 •

môj manžel je spriaznený s rodinným stromom.Juraj Hlozka (1799-1880) je jeho 3. dedko. Môžeme diskutovať. Mnohé priezviská vo vašom strome sa zhodujú s našimi. Čaká na vás počuť. Som v USA. Kde sídlite? A urobili ste test DNA?

29.07.2018 •


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